How important is great content marketing for a growing business? The answer is simple: VERY important! Rachel Wolfson, content strategist and HuffPost contributor, is no stranger to the intricate and dynamic art of marketing. She’s produced content for Venture Beat, O’Reilly Media, Elite Daily, HuffPost and countless other media outlets and businesses.
In this special episode, Rachel explains how to generate the best content for your company, how to create and promote a catchy blog post, and pretty much how to become an awesome content writer. She’ll show you what it means to write tech-content with a human element!
Check out this episode with Rachel Wolfson!
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HEY! Curious to know the most common mistakes in content marketing? Join our mailing list to see the exclusive footage. Also, get the special code for 15% off consultations with Rachel.
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The show is produced by Denim Video
Partner: G-Startup Worldwide
Styling: Kate Leonard
Hair: Nicole Mckay
Location thanks to: Polish Hub San Francisco
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